PBS Volunteer News 17th August 2011
Love music diversity? Dig Community?
Wanna be involved?
Take Action, Volunteer at PBS!
Yes, there’s so many ways to be involved at PBS, here are our current and upcoming opportunities....
The Library catalogue is up and functioning. We need your help to catalogue the vast collection of music. Would you like to help out? If the answer is yes, email hr[at]pbsfm.org.au to apply
What Library Cataloguing
Date Happening now!
Time 10:30am-5:30pm
Days Monday-Friday
Location 47 Easey Street Collingwood
There’s also a vacancy on Thursdays from 2pm-6pm. Help direct the cavalcade of stars for David Heard during Acid Country and Ruari's Fang It! Email hr[at]pbsfm.org.au to secure this position
What Regular PBS Volunteer Receptionist
Days Thursdays 2pm-6pm
Location 47 Easey Street, Collingwood
Days Thursdays 2pm-6pm
Location 47 Easey Street, Collingwood
Be part of the first Open Day in 2011 on Saturday 22nd of October. Want to help out at this great day? We’ll need Tour Guides, BBQ people, greeters, and helpers. For more details or to offer your valuable help email hr@pbsfm.org.au
Date Saturday 22nd October
Time 12pm–3pm
Location 47 Easey Street, Collingwood
Date Saturday 22nd October
Time 12pm–3pm
Location 47 Easey Street, Collingwood
The next Rock A Bye Baby
Remember your first gig? There’ll be a whole generation who can say Rock-A-Bye- Baby was theirs! That’s because Rock-A-Bye-Baby is a gig with great musicians, aimed for children and their parents, held in Fitzroy. Want to be involved? Helping at events is mostly just helping parents, talking to people in the community, pusher traffic management, door and postering. It’s fun to be involved! Email hr[at]pbsfm.org.au
What Event Helper
Days Thursday 6th October
Times 10:30am–12:30pm
Location Fitzroy Town Hall
Days Thursday 6th October
Times 10:30am–12:30pm
Location Fitzroy Town Hall
The Next PBS Announcer Course
The next announcer course starts Monday 1st of October and runs for five consecutive Monday nights. Small classes, reasonable prices, see Course Calendar for more info. Email hr[at] pbsfm.org.au to obtain an application form, and lock yourself in for this opportunity.
What PBS Announcer Course
Days Monday evenings
Dates October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Times 6.30pm–8.30pm
Location 47 Easey Street Collingwood
Days Monday evenings
Dates October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Times 6.30pm–8.30pm
Location 47 Easey Street Collingwood
Here’s a spotlight on someone who is taking action!
PBS volunteer Marty has been piecing together the story of PBS by compiling and digitizing the stations mag’s and marketing material over the last 31 years. Sandra Di Francesco has been working along side him categorising and cataloguing the work. They took a break from their painstaking project, and Sandra asked Marty some questions.
NAME: Marty Machine
SUBURB: East Doncaster
How long have you been involved at PBS?
The past two years as an active volunteer, and a paid member for several years more.
How did you get involved at PBS?
After several years as a paid member, I decided to give a little more and volunteering my skills where needed. My first involvement was working in the phone room for the 2010 Radio Festival.
How long have you listened to PBS?
Since 1981, although I did have a few breaks in between to go to school & work hahaha.
What's your favourite show on PBS?
I enjoy many shows on the grid as my own music collection covers about 20 Genre's. I guess I should really say my favourite show is "Screaming Symphony" now that I’m their Life member.
I also listen to most of Friday to cater for my reggae, dance, hiphop & electronica moods too.
What do you do at PBS?
Officially unofficially, I'm the Archiving Manager? (sounds good)
I buried myself deep inside the giant task of helping PBS to preserve their history by collating historical information. i.e. Photos, magazines, old program guides and scanning all these items so the station has a permanent record.
![]() |
A PBS sticker from the 1980's |
No doubt a lot of this will start appearing online, and upcoming PBS celebrations, i.e. 35 years etc. I feel once the info is compiled, it will be very handy to see where PBS started, how it changed, and where it's heading.....there's also rumour that I’m the chocolate angel that magically brings sweets for the team.....don't tell anyone ;-)
How many days a week do you work here ?
About half, or Three days a week when possible.
How did you get into music ?
" I recall as a three-year-old, I heard a noise and I liked it." "The rest is history."
Favourite record?
What's a record??? hehehe
This is REALLY hard to pick as I have a big collection of everything. I like so many different styles...
Can I have a few faves? any album by: Helloween, Republica, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Heart, Jean-Michel Jarre, Kraftwerk, Devo, Oingo Boingo, Grandmaster Flash, Gary Moore, Dio, Surf Punks and of course the Bob Marley & Family ......ok, I’ll stop now.
Which instrument would you like to play?I already play guitar, and dabble with keyboard/synths and playing around with my own home-recording studio.
Harpo Marx inspires me to take up the harp someday and Just for fun i would like to play with the triangle.....
i hear they're tricky.
What does PBS mean to you?
"Pretty Bloody Sensational". To me it represents ultimate freedom of choice. I'm thankful everyday that PBS is on air to keep us away from the mind-bashing of other stations. I'm always impressed by the open nature & welcome feeling from all employees, volunteers & announcers at PBS. You should ALL be proud of what you provide for the community, Go get yourself a Tim-Tam ;-)
Would you like to have your own show, and what would it be?
My previous work involved too much shiftwork, but now I’m a free agent I do think about doing a show from time to time.
I think my show would need to be multi-format to reflect my own music collection. It would feature Electronica, Reggae, Classical, Metal all in one. Trying to keep everyone happy.
Anything else?
ALWAYS make time for your pets !!!
Final Thought
Franz Liszt said it first, Jarvis jotted it down in his notes at Splendour in the Grass, 2011.
Thanks to Kristy who obtained this from Pulp@Splendour. Thanks to Sandra and Marty for their excellent work on the archive project.
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