PBS Volunteer News 7th December 2011
Thanks to everyone who helped in the music library, in the PBS office, at Rock A Bye Baby, designing forms and cards, or Crate Digger Record fair in the last fortnight. Together PBS volunteers run PBS. Every contribution makes a difference. Your help is highly appreciated and you know we couldn't do it without you.
If you contributed to the station in the last 12 months, we're holding a Xmas party this Thursday and you're invited! If you're waiting for your invition, email mara[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au; or phone 03 8415 1067 right now!
Although we’re slowing up for the year, we still have volunteer opportunities
Library Cataloguing

Library cataloguing opportunties still exist. Free Monday to Friday between 10am-6pm? Decent at data entry? Then this could be the role for you. We’ve currently got a team of about 30, and if you’d like to join the team, email mara[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au
Tisi on Wednesday morning reception 2011 |
Reception for 2012
A new year means changes for everyone. As a result, PBS is seeking volunteer receptionists for 2012. Would you like to volunteer on a regular basis in 2012? Are you a people person? Do you have basic administration skills or would you like to learn? Lookng for a 6 month commitment. Is this you? Email mara[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au with your Expression of Interest.
PBS will be closed from the 23rd of December and reopens Tuesday 3rd of January 2012
And finally, here’s a Christmas Card for you made by volunteer Greg Tippett that sums up our end of year sentiment
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