PBS Volunteer News Edition 7 2012
Ever wanted to volunteer in the PBS music library?
Here’s some things you need to know!
To volunteer in the music library ALL volunteers need to be able to competently use:
- Microsoft Word
- The Internet
- ITunes
- Microsoft Excel
In addition, music volunteers must:
- have data entry skills for cataloguing
- be able to put away items in alphabetical order
- match numbers with names and names with lockers
** If you're lacking in these areas don't despair, there maybe something else you can help with**
But for all volunteers at PBS the following things are important:
- Good communication skills
- Being a team player
- Have an eye for detail – even if it means rechecking your work
- Diligence and acting in the best interests of PBS
Now we’ve got that out of the way, please see below for volunteering opportunities at PBS for the next fortnight and beyond!
Minami and Sam are just two excellent PBS music library volunteers. Maybe you could be one too! |
Volunteer Opportunities at PBS
Library Cataloguing – Weekdays Monday to Friday between 10am-6pm * always loads of opportunities now*
PBS has an expansive CD collection which is currently being catalogued. We’ve had heaps of help to get to where we are, but we are still in need of more assistance. To get the most out of it, you need basic computer skills. The role is a data entry one, so attention to detail is important. If you’re interested in helping out, email mara[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au to organise training and secure your shift.
What Library Cataloguing Weekdays
Day & Date Weekdays Monday to Friday
Time Between Monday to Friday 10am-6pm
Location 47 Easey Street Collingwood
Volunteer with a Costco Card and a car
We need to buy a whole lotta stuff in bulk, and we're hoping we can find a volunteer with a Costco card and a car to help us procure.
Is this you? Email mara[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au
Volunteer Mould Remediator
We've got some stinky rooms and we need some professional advice. Email mara[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au or phone 8415 1067 - Thanks
Radio Festival is all about people. Here’s just some of the names to helped out last year! |
Radio Festival is around the corner and we’ll need some volunteer help
You probably already know that PBS is a community radio station that relies on the support of its listening community. Radio Festival is PBS’ annual fundraiser where we aim to get memberships from our listeners to support the continuation of the station for another year. If you’ve never volunteered at this time before, it’s a great time to get involved, you meet heaps of people, and get to talk to our friendly listeners as well as helping out. It’s also easy volunteer work, but you need to be able to operate a computer, be able to use the internet and talk on the telephone at the same time. We offer training – there’s several sessions. So what’s stopping you?
PBS Radio festival runs from May 14th – 28th, and we’ll need help around the clock [6am-12am]. With 5 shifts to choose from per day, there’s ample opportunity to help out.
To select your shifts click here and enter your details in.
It is important for all announcers, volunteers and staff to be familiar with this. It is available online (to save the trees) from here and http://pbs.org.au/policy. The Policies and Procedures Handbook ensures that PBS remains in safe compliance with the Codes of Practice and other relevant legislation. It also positions PBS staff, Announcers and volunteers to operate with a shared, clear understanding of how things work at PBS. Please read this carefully.
**PBS Volunteer News will return in 2 weeks time. In the meantime, email mara[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au or phone 8415 1067 to secure a volunteer role**
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