Volunteer News 4 - 2013

Thank you Big Al Watts

It's business as usual and PBS has been powering along thanks to all the fantastic volunteers who've helped out in the last fortnight. Since last I wrote, we filled the Music Department roles, but we've still got some Rock A Bye Baby roles. This week there'll be a grid change, Matt Frederick and Miss Goldie swap timeslots, Glen Morrow returns to PBS with A Dogs Breakfast, and this will be a split shift, shared with Fanta Pants & Janelle who present a new show called Get Up Morning starts Sunday. But, change is not without loss. One of PBS' longer serving announcers finished his show last Sunday. Al Watts, presenter of the Sunday morning program Rhythm Round Up finished his 21 year stint at PBS. Congratulations to Al for being such an outstanding contributor to PBS. Would you like to contribute to the station? Read on!

Volunteer Opportunities

Commit to Community Radio
BBQ Crew and general hands – Commit to Community Radio Day of Action!
Commit to Community Radio is a campaign run by community radio stations around the country, asking the Government to provide enough funding for community DIGITAL radio. PBS will be holding a special day of programming on the 13th of March, but will also open up the station to the public. If you’d like to express your interest in helping out with the BBQ or helping out guests email mara@pbsfm.org.au. For more info see www.committocommunityradio.org.au

What  BBQ Crew and general hands
Days Wednesday 13th March
Times  11am-2:30pm; 2:30pm-6pm
Location  47 Easey Street Collingwood

Rock A Bye Baby
The Miserable Little Bastards headline the first Rock A Bye Baby of 2013, a gig for adults and kids. Would you like to help out at this event? We need 4 access assistants and we’d love your help.  Email mara@pbsfm.org.au if you want to be involved and help out.

What  Event helpers
Days Thursday  7th March  2013
Times 10:30am-12:30pm
Location  Fitzroy Town Hall

Seeking PBS Easey Magazine ideas
Richie 1250 our magazine editor has officially put the call out for ideas for the next Easey magazine: Whether it's something you might like to write or an idea you think someone else could write, let us know!
GUIDELINES:  It should be music / music community related. (Take a look at some previous issues to get an idea of the kind of thing we generally run). The final article will be either 600, 1200, or 1800 words (depending on space).  We would need to get ideas in the next week, and have the articled finished by March 25th.Email stonelovepbs@gmail.com to send your ideas through.

What  Easey Magazine ideas or writers
Deadline  25th March 2013

Learning Opportunities

PBS is running announcer courses for the following dates:

5, 12, 19, 27, 3rd July
Jen Crowley * 7 spots left
1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Jenny O'Keefe
7, 14, 21, 29, 4th September
Campbell Mc Nolty
2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Jenny O'Keefe
2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Jen Crowley
6, 13, 20, 27, 4th December
Campbell Mc Nolty

Course Cost
PBS member fee:                   Full      $270                Concession     $180
PBS non member fee:            Full      $300                Concession     $200

If you’re interested do the following:
1.    Email hr@pbsfm.org.au to obtain an application form
2.    Complete it [specify the month] and send it to hr@pbsfm.org.au
3.    Once payment has been processed you’ll be confirmed in the class
4.    Turn up to classes and learn a lot!

Fine Print Policies and Procedures

It is important for all volunteers and staff to be familiar with this. See the policies and procedures here andhttp://pbs.org.au/policy. The Policies and Procedures Handbook ensures that PBS remains in safe compliance with the Codes of Practice and other relevant legislation. It also positions PBS volunteers, announcers and staff to operate with a shared, clear understanding of how things work at PBS. Please read it carefully. And if you’re inspired, why not consider becoming a PBS shareholder?


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