Volunteer News 5 - 2013

Commit to Community Radio - Day of Action 13/3/2013@PBS: Photo by D Ferrante

 Well yesterday was Commit to Community Radio day of action, where community stations around Australia united in one message for the government: uphold the promise to provide the adequate funds for community digital radio nationwide. All day and night, we had guests a plenty sharing the message to sign the petition. At the time of writing, there were 30713 signatures from people across Australia. At PBS, a big team of volunteers helped make the day a success. And how about a thanks to everyone who volunteered at PBS over the last 2 weeks?! From Rock A Bye Baby to helping out in the music library, maintenance, reception, writing, broadcasting and more, volunteer populated and ran PBS! Read on to find out about more volunteer opportunities at PBS!

Volunteer Opportunities

IT Support/Communications Volunteer Role
If you’re seeking hands on experience in IT communications, Microsoft computer professional, troubleshooting on workstations, rebuilding servers, networking and more perhaps you’d like to volunteer to assist the IT support professional. Email mara@pbsfm.org.au if you want to be involved and help out.

What  IT Support
Days  Pref. Wednesdays
Times  11am- 5pm
Location  47 Easey Street Collingwood

PBS Radio Festival
The major annual fundraiser - PBS Radio Festival starts in May. Would you like to help out in the phone room? It's fun, and there's lots of great volunteers to meet. Training is provided. Are you handy with a computer? Do you have good data entry skills? Do you have the gift of the gab and some time available for PBS? Volunteer to take memberships over the phone. Fill out this form, and have a pen ready so you can write down your shift times! Confirmations will be sent by Thursday 26th of April. 
What  Phone room volunteers
Days  May 13-26
Times  Shift times are between 6:00am- 12 midnight
Location  47 Easey Street Collingwood

Learning Opportunities

PBS is running announcer courses for the following dates:

5, 12, 19, 27, 3rd July
Jen Crowley * 7 spots left
1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Jenny O'Keefe
7, 14, 21, 29, 4th September
Campbell Mc Nolty
2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Jenny O'Keefe
2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Jen Crowley
6, 13, 20, 27, 4th December
Campbell Mc Nolty

Course Cost
PBS member fee:                   Full      $270                Concession     $180
PBS non member fee:            Full      $300                Concession     $200

If you’re interested do the following:
1.    Email hr@pbsfm.org.au to obtain an application form
2.    Complete it [specify the month] and send it to hr@pbsfm.org.au
3.    Once payment has been processed you’ll be confirmed in the class
4.    Turn up to classes and learn a lot!


Rock A Bye Baby March 2013: Soundies Joe and Luanna at RABB. Picture by D Ferrante.
Rock A Bye Baby March 2013:Rock a Bye Baby. Picture by D Ferrante.
Commit to Community Radio - Day of Action: Ben handling the BBQ with Adelaide and Chris
Commit to Community Radio - Day of Action: Junkyard's Michael Mulholland with Janet
Commit to Community Radio - Day of Action: Hanging out at PBS. Picture by D Ferrante.
Commit to Community Radio - Day of Action: Everybody loves a BBQ. Picture by D Ferrante.
Commit to Community Radio - Day of Action: Monique and Ashley helping out. Picture by D Ferrante.

Fine Print Policies and Procedures

It is important for all volunteers and staff to be familiar with this. See the policies and procedures here and http://pbs.org.au/policy. The Policies and Procedures Handbook ensures that PBS remains in safe compliance with the Codes of Practice and other relevant legislation. It also positions PBS volunteers, announcers and staff to operate with a shared, clear understanding of how things work at PBS. Please read it carefully. And if you’re inspired, why not consider becoming a PBS shareholder?


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