Volunteer News 13 - 2013

The word from the PBS 
station manager Adrian Basso
Sunday was the final day of our annual member drive and we are delighted with the outcome – it was the best yet. Our theme this year ‘Romance your Radio’ was spot on, and you could really feel the love in the air for PBS. We had hundreds of volunteers around the station over the last couple of months who gave freely both their time and energy to take calls, stuff envelopes, wash up dishes, drive to the post office, say a few words on air and much, much more. Sometimes starting before the sun was up, or staying here until after midnight – and many bits in between. The place was always alive with people who had PBS in their hearts.

So on behalf of the station, I would like to give a big cheerful thank you to each and every one of you and hope to see you at the wrap party Wednesday night. 

Note: If you helped out but didn’t get an invite, please email mara@pbsfm.org.au for the party details!

Opportunities at PBS

Volunteer Upholsterer *sorted as of 4/7/2013

Anyone out there that has upholstery skills? Know someone who could do this? We’ve got a couple of office chairs that could do with some love.  If you’ve got the skills to assist, we’d love your help. Email mara@pbsfm.org.au to help out.

What Chair Upholstery

Days TBC

Times  TBC

Location 47 Easey Street Collingwood

Saturday rotating roster phone answering volunteers Jazz On Saturday + Fiesta Jazz!
*sorted as of 4/7/2013

Want to help out at PBS but can’t do office hours? If you’ve got 4 hours to spare and want to participate, we’ve got the role for you!  Take calls for Jim Mcleod and Saul Zavarce on Saturday mornings from 9am-1pm. Seeking 4 people to do this role once a month or 8 people to do this at least once every two months. Keen? Email mara@pbsfm.org.au

What Phone support for PBS announcer

Days  Saturday

Times  9am-1pm

Location 47 Easey Street Collingwood

Saturday rotating roster phone answering volunteers Soulgroove’66 * GONE!

In addition to this role above, we’re also working on a rotating roster for phone answering volunteers to handle the calls for Pierre Baroni on Saturdays during Soulgroove’66. Seeking 4 people to do this role once a month or 8 people to do this at least once every two months. Keen? Email mara@pbsfm.org.au

What Phone support for PBS announcer

Days  Saturday

Times  3-5pm

Location 47 Easey Street Collingwood

Rock A Bye Baby Sept 5

Help out at this fun event for children and their parents. There’s door roles, access roles, setting up and packing down. The next once is September 5 from 10:30am-12:30pm in Fitzroy. Email mara@pbsfm.org.au to go on the list to help out.

What  Event assistant

Days Thursday

Times  10:30am-12:30pm

Location Fitzroy Town Hall

For those who love stationery

Some PBS hand made stationery from the days of old when PBS was really young!

Learning Opportunities
If you always dreamed of being a radio announcer on community radio, dream no longer! Learn how to do this at the PBS announcer course.

We’re running the announcer course for the following dates:

7, 14, 21, 29, 4th September
Campbell Mc Nolty * 3 spots left
2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Jenny O'Keefe
2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Jen Crowley
6, 13, 20, 27, 4th December
Campbell Mc Nolty

Course Cost
PBS member fee:                   Full      $270                Concession     $180
PBS non member fee:            Full      $300                Concession     $200
If you’re interested do the following:
1.    Email hr@pbsfm.org.au to obtain an application form
2.    Complete it [specify the month] and send it to hr@pbsfm.org.au
3.    Once payment has been processed you’ll be confirmed in the class
4.    Turn up to classes and learn a lot!

Fine Print Policies and Procedures

It is important for all volunteers and staff to be familiar with this. See the policies and procedures here and http://pbs.org.au/policy. The Policies and Procedures Handbook ensures that PBS remains in safe compliance with the Codes of Practice and other relevant legislation. It also positions PBS volunteers, announcers and staff to operate with a shared, clear understanding of how things work at PBS. Please read it carefully. And if you’re inspired, why not consider becoming a PBS shareholder?


to the following people for their volunteering efforts during the Radio Festival 

 Adam    R
Adelaide     F
Adrian    M
Adrian    M
Adrian    O
Adrian    V
Alessia    P
Alex    B
Alex     B
Alice    J
Amanda    W
Andrew    D
Andrew    M
Andrew    R
Andrew    S
Andy    M
Angela     A
Angela     M
Anna    L
Anna    P
Anthony    F
Ashley    O
Becky    H
Ben    D
Ben    W
Bethany    Aq
Bill    G
Bill Michael    K
Brigid    R
Bruce    R
Cameron    D
Campbell    M
Celeste    L
Chris    N
Chris    P
Chris    T
Chris    X
Ciel    F
Clare     P
Courtney    M
Crispian    W
Daniel    C
Dannika    B
Dave    B
David    H
Denise    F
Derek    M
Di    C
Dominic    D
Dominica    C
Edd    F
Elanna    S
Elle    Y
Emily    C
Emma    P
Ethan    H
Evan    C
Ewa    B
Frank    P
Frederic    B
Fuchsia    B
Garry    H
Gary     C
Gary     L
Gavin    Y
George    B
Georgie    M
Geraldine    C
Glen    M
Grace    B
Greg    M
Greg    M
Greg    T
Greg "Rex"    F
Gregg    A
Hannah    C
Heather    E
Helen    J
Heyden    W
Ian    P
Ian    S
Jacob    M
James    P
Jamie    S
Jan    D
Jane    B
Janelle    J
Janet    L
Jarrod    B
Jen    K
Jen     C
Jenny    O
Jenny    R
Jess    M
Jesse    F
Jesse    N
Jim    M
John    C
John    S
Jurgen    S
Jurgen    S
Justin    T
Kate     P
Kate     R
Kathryn    J
Kenneth    L
Kenny    C
Kerrie    H
Kev    L
Kim    W
Kirsty    G
Kirsty    R
Kirsten    S
Kristen    S
Kristine    P
Laura    F
Lauren    B
Lauren    P
Lauren    P
Lizzii    A
Lloyd    D
Logan    J
Luc    L
Lucille    C
Lyndelle    W
Maddy    M
Madeleine    B
Madeline    W
Magnus    B
Malcolm    H
Maree    P
Marisa    Q
Marty    W
Mary    K
Mary-Ann    P
Matt    M
Matthew    F
Melanie    B
Meredith    E
Michael    A
Michael    B
Michael    D
Michael    L
Michael    M
Michael    W
Michelle    S
Mike    S
Miles    R
Mitch    B
Monique    S
Mori    M
Moses    I
Myles    Os
Nick    B
Nick    S
Olaf    S
Patch    B
Patrick    Ws
Patsy    H
Paul    S
Paul    Vdz
Paul    W
Perry     H
Peter    M
Peter    M
Peter     F
Phil    M
Pierre    B
Raj    P
Ric    F
Richard    B
Richard    H
Richard     W
Richi    M
Rob    C
Robert    S
Rochelle    L
Rock    C
Roger    H
Ronan    H
Ronana    H
Ross    G
Ross    N
Ruari    C
Russell    S
Ryan    H
Sally    G
Sam    B
Sam    J
Samantha    G
Sara    F
Sarah    B
Sarah    B
Sasha    B
Saul    Z
Sean    L
Shelley    B
Sigrid    H
Simon    M
Simon    T
Simone    F
Stani    G
Stefan    F
Stephanie    C
Steve    P
Susi    L
Tahl    K
Thisanka    S
Tom    M
Tom    S
Tony    H
Tony    I
Tony     B
Trevor    C
Troy    E
Ursula    P
Viktoria    W
Vince    P
Vince    P
Wendy    T
Zack    H
Zoe    J

Karen W
Sam C
Frank P

Rockin' Ron D

 And a special thanks to Marty Machine for also donating the folding machine.To all that volunteered, we couldn't have succeeded without you and are appreciative of your efforts! Come to the party if you can make it and hope to see you next year!


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