Thanks for your help in 2014

Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who made PBS in 2014. They know who they are but you might not, so here’s the list!

Cat and Crispi with Chris Russell and Adalita

PBS Announcers
You know these gals and guys because they are the sound of PBS 106.7FM in Melbourne. Thanks to:
Adam Rudegeair, Alessia Pegoli, Andy Merkel, Campbell McNolty, Cat McGauran, Chelsea Wilson, Ken Eavel, Chris Pearson, Chris Xynos, Press Gang, CC Disco, Crispi Winsor, Cosi, Dave Beynon, David Heard, Stryka D, Edd Fisher, Emma Peel, Erica Dunn, Ethan Hill, Evan Carr, Gary Carson, Bevin Campbell, Gram son of Sam, Helen Jennings, Ian Sutherland, Ian Parsons, James Parker, Dingo, Prequel, Jan Dale, Jen Kingwell, Jen Crowley, Jenny O'Keefe, Jeremy Spellacey, Jess Fairfax, Jesse I, Jim Mcleod, John Carver, Josh Hodson-Smith, Kene Lightfoot, Kev Lobotomi, Lewis Can Cut, Mohair Slim, Lloyd Briggs, Lyndelle Wilkinson, Magnus Becket, Marisa Quigley, Matt McFetridge, Matthew Frederick, Maxine Bazely, Michael Mulholland, Michael Williams, Mike Gurrieri, Mitch Booth, Moses Iten, Myles O'Neil-Shaw, Nick Brown, Paddy Harrisson, Paul Kidney, Perry Holt, Peter Merrett, Peter Miles, Peter Bramley , Peter Fundeis, Phil MacDougall, Pierre Baroni, Richie1250, Richi Madan, Roger Holdsworth, Roger Taylor, Ron Dickinson, Ronan Hamill, Ross Nable, Ruari Currin, Samantha Goldie, Saul Zavarce, Sigrid Hohl, Stani Goma, Steve Passiouras, Susi Lanagan, Tom Sianidis, Tony Irvine, Vanessa Hill, Vince Peach &Wendy Tonkin

Adam Rudegair, Jen Kingwell, Chelsea Wilson and Campbell McNolty. Picture by David Bull

BPM Crew
In case you didn’t know there’s a program called BPM(Beats per minute) starring a rotating roster of electronic DJ’s. Thanks:
DJ Ides (Ayda), DJ Miss Max, Izabel Caligiore, Jack Kerr, Jure Kodre, Lloyd Briggs, Maxine Bazely, Mike Gurrieri, Rob Ciolli, Simon Hughes, Simon Sez & Tony Black

Andrew Young fills in. Picture by David Bull

Fill-Ins & New Noise
New Noise is a radio program where aspirant announcers can learn to make a radio show by making a radio show for 4 hours the in the middle of the night! Occasionally the PBS announcer cannot volunteer to present their program so they will have fill-ins. Fill ins are usually aspirant announcers, or announcers from other programs. Thanks  :
Adam Branson, Adriana, Alana Mazurke, Alessia Pegoli, Alex Simms, Andrew Murray, Andrew Young, Anthony Tomarchio, Ari Roze, Ben Smash, Bias B & Heta, Bryce Aston, Bryce Lawrence, Cal Behmer, Cameron Durnsford, Carol Quinlan, Chelsea Wilson, Chris Pearson, Chris Teuma, Chris Xynos, Clive Hines, Damian O'Keefe, Dan Mcmahon, Desi Dixon, DJ Ides (Ayda), DJ Lady Soul, DJ Miss Max, DJ Prequel (Jamie), Donnie Disco (Josh Collins), Ed Prendergast, Evan Carr, Frankie Alibi, Garry Havrillay, Gary Laidlaw, Gary Skaman , Grace K, Gram Pola, Gus Spence, Harry Q Holden, Heata , Hoops, Izabel Caligiore, Jack Kerr, Jacob, Jacob Marshall, Jane Hendry, Jay Hambly, Jen Kingwell, Jenni Crowley, Jim Dandy, Jnett, John Boothroyd, John Smout, Josh Gallagher, Jure Kodre (Moonshine), Kate Halliday, Knave Knixx (Logan), Lee-Ann Joy, Lloyd Briggs , Logan Jeffs, Lyndelle, Lynne Kent, Maddy Macfarlane, Matty Slug, Mauro Merjer, Maxine Bazely, Michael Anthony, Michael Mulholland, Michael Tippet, Mick Stylianou, Mike Glover, Mike Gurrieri, Mohair Slim, Monica Hanns, Nichola Scurry, Nick Brown, Owen McKern, Paddy Harrisson, Perry Holt, Peter Bramley, Peter Green, Peter Holmes, Peter Merrett, Pierre Baroni, Pradip, Rex And Dan, Richard, Richie 1250, Rick Howe, Rob Ciolli, Rob Unkut, Roger Holdsworth, Roger Taylor, Ron Dickinson, Ruby Soho, Sam Johnstone, Sasha Brookes, Shakeel Kacmarsky, Sigrid Hohl, Simon Hughes, Simon O'Carrigan, Simon Sez, Simon Takla, Slap 618, Spotty, Steve Hooper, Susi Lanagan, The Professor (Graeme Sewell), Todd Solomon, Tom Sedunary, Tony Black , Vanessa Hill, Vince Pawson, Yasmin Rupesinghe & Zack Rampage

Top left to bottom right: Mike Sewell (Chair), Garry Havrillay, Adrian Maiolla, Gaby Urban, Kev Lobotomi, Gram Son of Sam, Paul Kidney, Nick Brown, Vanessa Hill, Bill Runting, Simon Tu and friends

PBS Announcers Farewelled
It’s always a sad time when PBS announcers must leave the program guide, but we are so grateful that they got to contribute to making PBS what it is. Thanks to these wonderful people who put in so much time and effort…
Adrian Meade, Adrian Maiolla, Adrian Ockerby, Alessia Pegoli, Andy Moore, Fuchsia Branwhite, Grace Kindellan, Izabel Caligiore, Janelle Johnstone, Kate Halliday nee Reynolds, Simon Tu, Jenny O’Keefe and Andrew ‘Boppo’ Robinson

Jenny O'Keefe finished up on December 22  2014
New Announcers
And when announcers leave, it means new opportunities open up for new announcers. Here’s the incoming announcers for 2014:
Cat McGauran, Chris Xynos, Gram Pola, Mike Gurrieri, Nick Brown, Paddy Harrison, Peter Bramley, Ron Dickinson, Sigrid Hohl, Vanessa Hill, and Alessia Pegoli returned!

Midcentury man Paddy Harrisson

As you can see there’s a massive team that make the radio you know and love, but there’s also a massive team that runs the behind the scenes operations. Thanks to the following:

Night of the PBS receptionists!

Reception Team 2014
The reception team are the face of the station. 
Ben Withers, Bill Koelher, Bronte Laffin Vines, Claire Birch, Daniel [Del] Licata, Elise MacLennan, Elle Young, Emily Freestone, Esther Rivers, Evan Carr, Helen Corday, Jane Brownrigg, Jay Hambly, Jess Halliwell, Jess Rosenthal, John Smout, Jordan Irving, Judi Pallis, Justin Thomas, Katrina Stone, Ken Fargher, Kristine Philipp, Laura Farrell, Logan Jeffs, Maree Prokos, Mitch Ryan, Nick Brown, Rita Patterson, Rochelle Lade, Samantha Staff, Samirah Farah, Sarah Coles, Sarah Pratt, Simon Lipson & Tom Fuller
Ben Smash left the PBS reception desk this year for literally greener pastures in England
Volunteers are involved at all levels of the station such as the…
Mike Sewell (Chair) Garry Havrillay, Jess Fairfax, Jurgen Schaub, Justin Naylor, Kirsty Rivers,  & Simon Minahan

And the…
Gary (PBS website),  Jurgen (PBS website), Steve Passiouras (PBS membership database), Carl Belle (Windows Phone), Andrew Buckley (Android),  Ray Hilton (iPhone)

Drive Live
And here’s one really fun event volunteers got involved in. Thanks to:
Ben Calleja, Ben Davis, Bill Kohler, Bruce Rook, Chris Pearson, Curtis Prout, Dave Hobson, Di Crowther, Elle Young, Isabelle Rangasamy, James Payne, Jess Rosenthal, Jon Osborne, Kristine Philipp, Lucille Cutting, Lucy Spartalis, Robbie C, Russell Snibson, Stephen Hogg, Tom Dell'Oro, Tom Marinelli, Vassili Lazaris, Zoee Marston,

Radio Festival
Our annual fundraiser “Radio Festival” was our best yet and there is a massive team of great people who took the calls, sent out the membership kits, sent renewals, so on and so forth! Thanks to:
Aaron Beattie, Adam Jenkins, Adelaide French, Adrian Molaro, Adrian Vernon, Agatha Szlachcic, Alana Hams, Alana Mazurke, Alison Weedon, Allan Stott, Allison Dunn, Amanda Austin, Andre Passa, Andrew Delahunt, Angela Jones, Anna Micallef, Annette Muir, Anton Allen, Ashley O'Halloran, Ben Kelly, Ben Smash, Bethany Atkinson-Quinton, Blake Ross, Brad Stark, Brigid Ryan, Bronte Laffin Vines, Bruce Rook, Caitlin Woodland, Cam Loveless, Cameron Litchfield, Charlie Craib, Chloe Strachan, Chloe Strahan, Chris Dunn, Chris Teuma, Chris Xynos, Claire Stuchbery, Clare Vella, Courtney Murphy, Craig Bowe, Crystal Bradley, Damian O'Keefe, Dan Wallwork, Dan Wallwork, Daniel King, Daveen Valentine, David L Herst, Davina John, Dee James, Derek De Vreugt, Di Crowther, Eileen, Elanna Sanderson, Elsbeth Chirlin, Emma Gurry, Emma Mcniece, Errol Hunt, Evan Clancy, Ewa Bogatek, Felicity Broadbent-Smith, Fina Po, Gareth Bird, Gary Laidlaw, Gemma Cotterell, Geoffrey Elsworth, George, George O'Haa, Gerri Ferracane, Gwen Smith, Harry Q. Holden, Helena Pilli, Irene B, Isabela Mary King, Isabella Radevski, Jacob Marshall, Jacqui, James Payne, Jamie Parsons, Jane Buxton-Rella, Jess Schoer, Jessica Ladlow, John Buxton-Rella, John Smout, Jordan Hicks, Jordan Hicks, Jordan Irving, Juan Aguilar, Julia Kelley, Julia Lau, Julian Bettiol, Julie Ryan, Karen Edelenbos, Kate Randall, Ken Lee, Kerrie Loveless, Kirby O'Brien, Kristen Solury, Kristine Philipp, Kristopher Juresko, Laura Giesen, Lee, Lily Lang, Lucille Cutting, Lucy Dodd, Lucy French, Marcus Cleary, Mark, Marketa Fillingerova, Marni, Mary-Ann Parker, Mason Smith, Matthew Frederick, Mayte Beas, Meg Crawford, Melissa Main, Michael Borthwick, Michael Lockley, Michele Deschepper, Michelle Rushen, Michelle Slater, Monica Hanns, Monica Hanns, Mori Milholland, Nabila Petrucci, Natalie Araujo, Neill Kamminga, Niandra Grayson, Nichola Scurry, Noah Wilson, Orson Tjahjadi, Paddy Harrisson, Paul Callanan, Pauline Crameri, Perry Holt, Peter Green, Peter Pavlovic, Polly Swan, Quinn, Rachel Negus, Rebecca Ayres, Renee, Reo, Rhiannon Beckett, Rhys Jones, Rob Hamilton, Robert Champion, Robert Strachan, Rock Chugg, Rupert Levien, Russell Snibson, Sam Evans, Sam Lyddy, Sandra, Sandra Di Francesco, Sandra Oakley, Sandro Serio, Sara Finlayson, Sarah Cooper, Sarah Currie, Sasha Brookes, Scarlette Baccini, Scott White, Sean Lynch, Sean Lynch, Shara Speight, Shaun Hanns, Sheena, Sheridan Mcervale, Sierra Mcmanus, Sigrid Hohl, Simon Hughes, Simon O’Carrigan, Simone Ferlazzo, Sonia Ablett, Stefan, Stephanie Barbara, Stephen Hogg, Sue McGillivray, Susan Malcolm, Susan Seven, Tahl Kestin, Tal Levitas, Talon, Tamara White, Tamsin Dornbusch, Thomas Fuller, Thomas Marinelli, Tim Hogan, Tim Prudden, Tina, Tom Fredricson, Tom Fredricson, Tom Werner, Tony Hasler, Trent Sterling, Trevor Carlisle, Uali, Ursula Pekarek, Vassili Lazaris, Vince Pawson, Will Oliver & Zakri Warden

One of many of the terrific PBS volunteers in the music library - It's Ben Calleja

Music Library
A wonderful team helped get incoming music from musicians and back out to the team of announcers. Thanks to:
Adam Branson, Alex Birnie, Ben Calleja, Ben Hodgson, Chris Dunn, Chris Xynos, Declan Mcguiness, Jennifer Robertson, Jess Patterson, Joshua Hodgson Smith, Maddy Kennedy, Nic Scurry, Richard Walsh, Sam Johnstone, Sasha Brookes, Shae Mourtzakis, Tasman Game, Theo Carbo, Thomas Marinelli, Trent Sterling , Vassili Lazaris

Sadly Ben Hodgson died unexpectedly in January 2014. A great guy, genuinely warm, and who truly loved music. He is missed.

Easey Mag
The Easey Mag is the bi-annual members magazine, pulled together by Richie 1250 and Simon O’Halloran. The content comes from fantastic volunteer. Thanks to:
Daniel Shiman, Crispi Windsor, Cat McGauran, Cameron Durnsford , Robbie Ettelston, Jack Kerr, DJ Miss Max, Rob C, DJ Ides, Lloyd Briggs, Chelsea Wilson, Empat Lima, Esther Rivers, Emma Peel, Mike Glover, Kerrie Loveless, Chris Chogger

Leaps and Bounds Open Day. Picture by Costa Gromov

Open Days
Open Day is the day when we open the doors to the public, so they can see what it’s like inside a radio station. We held two Open Days and thanks to the following volunteers for welcoming PBS curious:
Cam Loveless, Campbell Mcnolty Studio Demos , Chelsea Of Jazz Got Soul Wilson, Chris Pojama People Pearson,  Chris Xynos Of Connections Xynos, Costa Gromov, Courtney Clarke Is Cc Disco From Smoke And Mirrors Clarke, David Bull, Di Crowther, Esther Rivers , Gary Laidlaw, Helen Corday , Jack Reedy, Jay Hambly , Jess Patterson , Jurgen Schaub, Justin Thomas , Katrina Stone, Ken Lee, Kristine Philipp , Laura Farrell, Mary Ann Parker, Michael Mulholland , Michael Of Junkyard Mulholland, Nick Brown , Nicole King, Nicole Thomson, Paddy Of Ports Of Paradise Harrisson, Rob Candeloro, Rochelle Lade , Simon Hughes, Stephen Hogg, Tal Levitas, Thomas Marinelli & Vince Peach

Open Day 2 by David Bull

Community Cup
is the event held by Reclink and PBS have a set of wonderful volunteers who get involved. Thanks to:
Brigid Ryan, Courtney Murphy, Dan Wallwork, Jane Brownrigg, Kevin Smith, Meg Crawford, Miles Reid, Peter Pavlovic, Rachelle Adamowicz, Rob Hamilton, Sandro Serio, Sarah Coles, Simon Hughes, Thomas Marinelli who all helped on the ground. Vince Peach (Coach), Crispi (Support Staff), Ruari (MC), and the players were Adrian Meade, Cat McGauran, Emma Peel, Sam Johnstone, Zack Rampage, Campbell NcNolty, Maddy MacFarlane, Manchild & sometimes even PBS staff volunteer such as Adrian Basso and  Cameron Durnsford.

Curtis, Kristine, Robbie and Kevin (pictured with fmr Membership Coordinator Cameron Durnsford) helped send those memebership kits

Each month, membership kits were sent to members and thanks to the brilliant team who assembled to get kits and renewals out to the PBS members. Thanks:
Ashley O'Halloran, Bronte Laffin Vines, Cameron Anderson, Chris Dunn, Curtis Prout, Fina Po, James Payne, Jane Brownrigg, Jayson Hambly, Jess Rosenthal, John Llewellyn, Karl Hughes, Kevin Smith, Kevin White, Kristine Philip, Laura Farrell, Leyla Varela, Luciano Peters, Monica Haynes , Neill Kamminga, Rafal Hassan, Rob Hamilton, Robbie Candeloro, Sue Mcgillivray & Tristan Szamosi & Marcello Sardo 

Alex Sims pictured here with Wendy Tonkin(Metal Genesis) and Paul Maybury (PBS production)

Tape Archive
PBS has live recordings dated back to the early 80’s on reel to reel. Digitised by the professional, they’re listened to and catalogued by one excellent volunteer:
Alex Sims

Party at PBS

Thanks to those volunteers who worked whilst PBS put on a party. Hope you got to have fun:
Adam Jenkin, Adelaide French, Elle Young, Ian Ross, Lee Anne Bowie, Lenz, Levon Dennison, Michael Dunlevie & Tal Levitas

Thanks to the wonderful volunteers who put together some of the gorgeous artwork
Greg Tippett,Kate Goff, Nicole Thomsen and  photographers Costa Gromov, David Bull and Eric Hohl.

Chris Pearson

is always helping

out at PBS

Other Volunteers
Accounts Anne Kilpatrick
Handy man Chris Pearson
Electrical Denis Kane  
Electrical Riah
Executive administration David Barnes,

David Barnes volunteered for PBS for 7 years, finishing up in 2014. He did special projects such as writing grants, assisting the General Manager and more generally putting processes and systems in place to make PBS function more effectively. Thank you David Barnes for your fantastic work at PBS.

There’s no doubt about it - events in and for the community make PBS more relevant  the community of interest and Rock A Bye Baby is one such event! Thanks to all those volunteers who helped us roll it out in a safe, fun way!
Bethany Atkinson-Quinton, Bronte Laffin Vines, Bruce Rook, Curtis Prout, Daniel Levitan, David Bull, Jack Reedy, John Morris, Laura Farrell, Leon Wan, Leyla Varela, Marketa Fillingerova, Michelle Lebanie, Nick Garth, Paul Zouros, Russell Snibson, Samantha Kwann, Sasha Brookes, Sierra Mcmanus, Thomas Marinelli, Thomas Retallack, Tom Dell'Oro & Vassili Lazaris.

There's some special volunteer achievements that deserve a mention...
Vince Peach pictured with PBS Chair Mike Sewell and PBS GM Adrian Basso

Vince Peach 
Vince Peach celebrated 30 years on air at PBS at a big party at The Corner Hotel in August, was recognised nationally by the CBAA winning was awarded  the Excellence in Music Programming award was the recipient of PBS' highest honour: The PBS Mick Geyer Award.

Maddy Mac pictured here with Adrian Meade (Contact) and former PBS volunteer Jas, now RRR announcer on Local and Or General

Maddy Mac
Whilst PBS is an apolitical station, Maddy Mac showed how music was bridging the gap for refugees in Australia. Not only that, her documentary that aired on PBS, won a CBAA Award as part of the National Audio Documentary and Features Competition, run by the Community Media Training Organisation. The documentary focused on the incredible work of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre’s music group and featured a Studio 5 Live performance from the group at PBS. The work was originally broadcast on Big Mob, on Monday September 22. The documentary was made in the spirit of Progressive Broadcasting Services,  giving voices to those who don't have one in the Australian media landscape, and tying the human story into music. Well done to Maddy Mac for a truly progressive effort.

Yet again volunteers amaze and astound me. Thank you so much for being part of PBS in 2014. It's the people who make PBS great and hope you can be involved in 2015! The PBS office will be closed from Wednesday the 24th December 2014 at 6pm and reopens Monday the 5th of January at 10am. All the best during the holiday period and keep on listenin' to PBS 106.7fm, digital or online!


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