Thank you in 2015

There’s a massive team of people working together to make PBS the volunteer powered community radio station it is. On behalf of PBS HQ I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the volunteers and say thank you for your efforts! No matter how large or small the role, you made a difference. We’re so grateful for your contributions. That’s why we say
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

The Breakfast Spread's Crispi pictured with 2 of his favourite artists: Courtney Barnett & Jen Cloher
Thank you to the PBS Announcers who make radio 24/7 each day of the year:
Adam R,  Andy M,  Ayda A,  Campbell M,  Cat M,  Chris N,  Clare  P,  Courtney C,  Crispian W,  Daniel C,  David H,  Derek M,  Edd F,  Emma P,  Erica D,  Ethan H,  Evan C,  Gary  C,  Gavin Y,  Helen J,  Ian S,  Ian P,  Izabel C,  Jamie S,  Jan D,  Janette P,  Jen K,  Jen C,  Jeremy S,  Jess F,  Jesse N,  Jim M,  John C,  Josh H,  Kenneth L,  Kev L,  Leah A,  Lenz M,  Lewis G,  Lloyd D,  Lloyd B,  Lyndelle W,  
All Our Stories' Jess, Leah with George Telek & Amy

 Madeline W,  Magnus B,  Matt M,  Matthew F,  Maxine B,  Michael M,  Mike G,  Mitch B,  Monica H,  Moses I,  Myles O,  Nick  B,  Paddy H,  Paul W,  Perry H,  Peter M,  Peter M,  Peter B,  Peter  F,  Phil M,  Pierre B,  Richard H,  Richi M,  Roger H,  Ron D,  Ronan H,  Ross N,  Ruari C,  Samantha G,  Saul Z,  Sigrid H,  Stani G,  Steve P,  Tom S,  Tony I,  Trent S,  Vanessa H,  Vince P,  Wendy  T and   Yonatan  N.
Mixing Up The Medicine's Erica with Batpiss

And a special thanks also to the rotating cast that is the BPM Crew: Adriana, DJ Ides, DJ Miss Max, Jack K, Lloyd B, Mr Moonshine (Jure), Rex and Daniel & Simon H.

Sometimes announcers can’t attend every single program, so it’s the fills who step in. Thanks to the following people who filled in on-air in 2015: Mike  G, Adam B, Adrian M, Adriana L, Alana M, Alex S, Andrew M, Andrew Y, Ari R, Brad S, Bryce L, Cass H, Chris T, Clive H, Dan M, Daniel E, Desi D,  Prequel, Ed P, Gary L, Glen M, Grace K, Gus S, Jack K, Jacob M, Jane H, Jay H, Jenny O, John B, Johnny E, Josh R, Kate H, Knave  K, Matty Slug , Michael O, Michael T, Mick S, Moonshine (Jure), Nichola S, Peter G, Peter H, Pradip, Rex F, Rick H, Rob C, Robbie E, Ruby S, Sasha B, Simon H, Spotty (Mark) B, Steve H, Todd S, Tom S, Yasmin R & Zack R.

Paddy Harrison of Ports of Paradise
After completing the PBS announcer course, aspirant announcers usually do a New Noise slot. Here’s those announcers who covered in in 2015: Alex K, Alex S, Anthony T, Ari R, Bethany A, Bradley K, Callen B, Cass H, Dan M, David S, Ed P, Gary S, Josh R, Lenz (Jie Ma), Mary Ann P, Matt B, Michael and Josh, Michael C, Michael O'S, Michael T, Nichola S, Scott S, Shakeel K, Spotty & Trent S.

The following announcers departed the regular PBS grid in 2015: Dave B, Gram P, Jenny O'K, Marisa Q, Mick W, P King, Alessia P, James P, Lee-Ann J, Izabel C & Campbell M
Dave Beynon with Mike Glover

Program Manager Owen gives a thank you speech to Campbell McNolty for his Bop Gun program and his generous contribution to community radio

We welcomed the following new regular announcers to PBS
Janette P, Lenz M, Madeline W, Trent S, Leah A, Monica H (returned), Maddy M (returned)

 to Helen Jennings who took away the stations highest honour: The Mick Geyer Award. 
 The Mick Geyer Award is given in recognition of an individual’s outstanding service to PBS and, through that, to the broader music community.
Helen Jennings of Roots of Rhythm holding up the award by Mick Kilpatrick

And there were plenty of other milestones to talk about such as...

Paul K celebrating 10 years on air at The Public Bar for Ear of the Behearer. Pic by Josie Jo

CC Disco with J'Nett by Mick Kilpatrick
CC Disco  of Smoke and Mirrors celebrated 100 shows July

For his 100th show of Peeking Through The Wool, Josh's friend made him a T-shirt

Andy  celebrated 10 Years on-air for Got The Blues, Susi L celebrated 10 Years on-air for What The Folk and  Saul celebrated 15 Years on-air for Fiesta Jazz. Here, all 3 of them were snapped by Kim Lajoie on Open Day 2015. 

Richie 1250 celebrated 10 years of Stone Love with a bonanza party at The Tote

The Hard and Heavy category got together to throw a big bash October 2015 called Heavy and Hammered. This pic is by Steve from Rag and Bone Photography
And in November, the following PBS won awards from the peak body representing Community Radio (CBAA) including:

 Jesse I of Babylon Burning  pick up the CBAA award for Excellence in Music Programming 

While station Manager Adrian Basso takes away the Michael Law Award

Maddy and Jess receive the Excellence in Training award from  the  CBAA 

So PBS is more than just broadcast and awards!  
There’s a whole heap of other activities that go on

Drive Live is a marketing event held in the first week of February to celebrate and champion local live music. Members and other guests are invited to watch the sessions and this years acts include Ben Frost, Power, Black Cab, The Ocean Party, Ausmuteants, Love of Diagrams, Primitive Calculators & many more. Listeners became the live audience, and a brilliant bunch helped roll out the event. They were:
Asher F , Barry C D, Beth A Q, Bill K, Bronte L V, Daniel O'B, Elle Y, Eric H, Grace K, Ian R, Isabelle R, Jess R, Jon O, Jordan H, Laura F, Leah B, Lenz, Lucy S, Monica L, Neill K, Robbie C, Russell S, Tom D'O, Tom M and Vassili L.  

Sarah and Chris work on the window shutters/chalk board

An Annual Fundraiser
So you might know that PBS is a not for profit station that relies on memberships, sponsorships and donations from the loyal listening public. Each year in May PBS holds its annual fundraising drive known as Radio Festival.  For two weeks announcers put a call out to the public and a terrific team of volunteers take memberships over the phone, and send out the membership kits. 2015 marked the most successful radio festival PBS has ever had in history and we thank the team that helped out at this year’s Radio Festival:
Adam C, Adam J, Adele, Adrian M, Adrian Mo, Adrian V, Agatha, Agatha S, Alan M, Alex B, Alexis J, Alison Dunn, Allegra H, Amanda C, Andrew B, Andrew G, Andy M, Angela M, Angie W, Anna C ,St Smith, Anna M, Anna P, Annie B, Anthony H, Anton A, Anya T, Ari, Ashley O, Ayda A, Barry F, Ben R, Bianca M, Brad S, Bradley K, Brendan G, Brigid R, Bruce F, Caisha L, Cam L, Cameron, Cameron F, Camila C, Carl L, Catherine G, Celia D, Charlie L, Chloe F, Chris D, Chris P, Chris X, Christina W, Claire S, Coco R, Con P, Damian O, Danni-Elle G, Dannii-Elle G, Daveen, David L, David S, Denise R, Di C, 

Dietrich F, Dylan G, Ellie G J, Emma G, Emma P, Eoin M, Evan C, Ewa B, Fuchsia, Fuzzy, Gareth W, Garry H, Gary L, Gerri F, Helen J, Hilary-Claire M, Ian P, Isabella R, Izabel C, Jackson H, James R, Jane B, Jane T, Janine H, Jess B, Jessica C, Jessica R, Jim P, Jimmy P, John C, John S, Jordan S, Julie R, Jurgen S, Justin N, Katarina L, Ken L, Kerrie L, Kristen S, Kristine P, Lana W, Laura F, Lee, Lee-Anne B, Lindsey G, Luke T, Maddy M, Malcolm H, Maree P, Maria R, Marketa F, Marni, Marty M, Mary-Ann P, Matt K, Meg C, Mel, Melanie Gf, Melissa F, Melissa O, Michael D, Michael M, Michael O, Michele D, Mike L, Milena Z, Mitch B, Monica H, Monika F, Myles O, Nabila P, Neill K, Nichola S, Nick B, 

Patrick S, Paul W, Pauline, Peter, Peter G, Phil D, Phoebe K, Quinn S, Rachel, Rachelle A, Rhiannon B, Rhiannon B, Richard H, Robbie C, Robert S, Robyn B, Robyn H, Rochelle L, Rock C, Rose A, Rose J, Rose W, Ruby C, Ruby S, Rupert L, Russell S, Sandra O, Sandro S, Sarah B, Sarah B, Scott H, Sean L, Shahn C, Shane W, Shara S, Sharyn B, Sheyla R, Sigrid H, Simone F, Sophie Van R, Soraya O, Susan D, Susan, Susi L, Tahl K, Tal L, Tania P, Tanya S, Tess H, Tessa A, Thomas D, Tim O, Tina M, Tom M, Tony W, Trish, Vivienne H, Wendy T, William O,

Thanks once again to our friends at Pasta Classica!

Another Busy Day In The Office
Raf ruling Reception by Elysia Stasi
Each week a team of volunteer receptionists rule the roost, control the flow of traffic that comes into PBS and help the office run smoothly. Thanks to our colour cast of volunteer receptionists in 2015:
Ben W, Bronte L, Carmel  T, Daniel T, Daniel [Del] L, Elle Y, Hilary M, Jane B, Jess R, Jess H, John S, , Jordan I, Justin T, Ken F, Kristine P, Laura F, Liam R, Maree  P, Megan D, Morgan P, Nick  B, Quinn  S, Rafal  H, Samantha S, Sarah O, Scott H and Tanya M.

And we have other administrative support that comes from
David Barnes, Anne Kilpatrick & Con Pagonis

Elle and Alex in the music library
The triumph of the PBS is library, is not the collection itself but the volunteers that administer the collection and the music coordinator that keeps things in check. There’s a great team of committed volunteers helping out including this guy:

 “Declan J has been an absolute legend of a volunteer, he’s been coming in twice a week for the last few months and staying all day and is so helpful and lovely to work with!” 
Beth in the music library

Spotlight on Declan 

What made you volunteer at PBS?
I'm a big fan of PBS, and I really appreciate the stations commitment to representing little heard music of all different styles. So when my friend, Brad, told me that PBS were always looking out for volunteers to help out, I thought it would be a great opportunity to give back to the station that has given me so much. Plus what better way to listen to PBS than at the station itself?

 What did you do at PBS?
The great thing about PBS is they will always find you something that aligns with your skills and interests. I've mainly been helping out in the awesome music library (a music collectors dream!). This has ranged from helping catalogue CD's to processing emails to listening to all sorts of incoming music. It's a great atmosphere, as well as an awesome educational environment.

What was your favourite part of volunteering at PBS?
My favourite part of volunteering at PBS is being able to hang out with an awesome range of people. Everybody is so friendly and knowledgeable, they will always give you the time of day to chat about music. I've always found the music industry to be quite a depressing place but PBS has shown me, there is a little light under the sun.

And thanks also for the administrative support in the Music Library from:
Adrian O, Alex B, Alex S, Bradley K, Chris D, Chris P, Chris X, Declan J, Elle Y, Iain S, Jess P, Maddy K,  Meg B, Mia B, Michael M, Matt V, Meg B, Sasha B, Tom M & Trent S.

Membership volunteers

Week in, week out a team of dedicated administrative volunteers have helped send out PBS memberships, renewals and feature releases. Thank you to the following people who made it happen in 2015: 
Bailey D, Barry F, Kris W, Quinn S, Lily L, Ashley O & Marcello.

Community Cup
The Megahertz by Tony Proudfoot
You can't spell Community Cup without COMMUNITY! 
And that's often what people LOVE about it, because it's not the footy!
By golly it’s an exciting time: the time when The Rockdogs verse the Megahertz on the footy field. Here’s the PBS volunteers who formed part of it this year:
Cat M, Beth A, Leah A, Bianca M, Sam J ,Gram P, Adrian B, Ethan H AKA Manchild, Simon H, Crispian W (Spiritual Leader), Vince Peach (Coach), Adrian M (Runner, trainer), Emma P (MC) and Ruari C (Commentator).

Open Day
Sam, Saul, Bianca, visitor & Liam by Kim Lajoie
Part of the role of community radio is about being accessible for the public. And it really is. Listeners can directly speak to announcers, musicians can directly drop their music into the station. Another  way we can achieve our accessibility is by having an open day, and we did this year. Thanks to the ace volunteers who helped our visitors feel welcome: Kim L, Bianca, Angela, Jess, Chris, Lee-Ann, Chris, Susi, Brad, Nicole, Kristine, Tal, Kris, Michael, Beth, Elle, Damian, Ashley, Ken, Sandra, Quinn and Lucas for helping roll it out.

Good governance is essential for any organisation, and PBS has a team of volunteers with specialist skills that are the elected board. Each month they meet, and make decisions about the station, its processes and its future directions. Thanks to Garry H, Jess F, Jurgen S, Justin N, Kirsty R, Mike S and Simon M. Thanks so much to all and especially Simon who stood down after volunteering for several years. Welcome to Adrian M.
PBS announcers are involved in making decisions about the program grid
There’s a group of volunteers who happen to be PBS announcers who meet periodically to discuss, debate and help make decisions in relation to the PBS program grid. They’re a committee that help guide the way.
Thank you Emma P, Myles O, Richie 1250, Sam G, Mike G, Edd F, Chris P & Steve P. 

Garry H with David Bridie by Mick Kilpatrick
Can you believe just a team of two very committed volunteers run the PBS website?
Jurgen S and Garry H

Easey Magazines 2015
Twice a year PBS publishes its member magazine: Easey, and the content comes from volunteer contributors
Volunteer Artists (photographers and poster makers) & Easey Mag Contributors
Asher F, Barry D, Daniel O, David T, Erica D, Holly,  Jesse I,  Laurens G, Lucy S, Lyndelle W, Maddy M, Maxwell F, Monica H, Owen M, Pereira, Prince Jimmy, Rennie, Ruari C, Sam J, Steve V & Theresa H.

A great SAGG photo at The Corner Hotel feat Richie 1250 and a hoppin' room by Neil Walker
Thanks to the Graphic Designers, Artists and Photographers 
Natasha B, Neil W, Lucas H & Kate G & Errol using their skills to help PBS.

Chris Pearson puts his feet up after fixing heaps of things at PBS in the brand new Studio 3
Thanks to the team that helped fix things around PBS. 
They include:
Chris P, Joseph A  who dealt with building issues, Denis K handling electrical matters,  and of course Jeff helping out with weekly maintenance.

Jeff comes into PBS every single week to help keep things in order

Mohair Slim had a vision to make Jamaica Jump Up a reality and here's November's edition starring Stranger Cole. Photo by Melissa Cowan
It’s really important for PBS to be out in the community and we have events offsite, where volunteers helped improve the presence of PBS. Thanks to the great volunteers who’ve helped over the year. 
Ayda A, Bianca M, Jodi M, Kat S, Kerrie L, Kris W, Kristine P, Matt M, Melanie P, Nick J, Rebecca L, Rebecca S,  Samantha S, Sarah O, Stacey W, Tracy H & Wendy T

Things got  really wild at Rock A Bye Baby 
And a special thanks to our Rock A –Bye-Baby team:
Beth A-Q, Jack R, James R, Josh M, Julie R, Laura F, Lee-Anne B, Luca F, Malcolm W, Mark M, Michael O, Nick J, Phoebe K, Rebecca S, Sarah O, Tam M & Thomas M

Moses with Samira and friend/associate/colleague
And then there’s volunteers who helped other volunteers! 
Thank you to Jess H, Samantha S (Mohair S), Madi W, Mick S, Marta G (Ken E), Kat S, John S, Rafal H (Jim M).Lee Anne B (transcription project), Leyla V,  Jim P, Ashley O,  Talin P, Sarah M, Catalina P & Evan comes in 3 nights a week to take calls after hours!

So you can see there’s many people to thank at PBS

Sam, Marcello and Chelsea decorating the PBS Xmas tree
2015 was an excellent year for PBS, and the secret to the success was the people! Thanks to all who contributed; through listening and becoming members, sponsorship, donations or helping out with your efforts and passion
For now we wish you a happy holiday season, fun yet safe times and see you in the new year!


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