PBS Volunteer News 23rd November 2011

The annual Community Broadcasting Association or Australia [CBAA]conference was held last weekend in Surfers Paradise. What was it? The CBAA is the peak body that represents community broadcasting, and it’s member stations have a once a year get together, share ideas & learn about how other stations get things done! It was great and PBS won an award for Excellence in Community Participation for the event: Rock A Bye Baby
 Monday afternoon receptionist Amar holds the award for Excellence in Community Participation!

Wanna participate at PBS?  It’s truly excellent! Read down for more

Rock A Bye Baby event helpers feat* Judge Pino and the Ruling Motions * 2 spots left!
Enjoy mixing it with toddlers in the mosh pit?  Like to help nurture the next generation of music lovers and PBS listeners and members?  Interested in helping the RABB team provide a fun musical experience to mums, dads, carers and kids alike in the beautiful surrounds of the Fitzroy Town Hall?  Helping at the RABB gigs mostly involves assisting parents, talking to people about PBS, pusher traffic management, sitting on the door and sticking up a few posters at the venue to advertise the event. It’s a fun event that brings great joy to the kids and parents.  If you’d like to be involved email hr[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au

What: Event Helper
When: Thursday 1st December 
Times: 10:30am–12:30pm
Location: Fitzroy Town Hall

Thanks to all those who said YES to cataloguing. Our hard working team are plugging away at the job, but it’d be great to have extra help. See below for more opportunities...

Library Cataloguing – A Saturday working bee * A one-off! *Morning shift - 7 spots left. Afternoon * 2 spots left
To all those who’ve expressed an interest in volunteering at PBS on the weekend, this is the opportunity for you! We’ve got a massive collection and we’d love your help to catalogue. You will be trained but good data entry skills and a basic understanding of computer systems will make this role very easy. Can you spare the time? Would you like to help? Say yes, by emailing hr[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au to secure a spot.

What:  Library Cataloguing
Date:  Saturday December 3
Time:  2 shifts: 10:30-1:30pm and 1:30-5pm
Location:  47 Easey Street Collingwood

Inside the Music Department -Library Cataloguing  * regular roles *
As you've probably gathered, the library cataloging job  is a massive but you know what they say 'many hands make light work'. If you're free to come into PBS Monday - Friday 10am-6pm, we've got opportunties. You will be trained but good data entry skills and a basic understanding of computer systems will make this role very easy. Can you spare the time? Would you like to help? Say yes, by emailing hr[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au to secure a spot.

What:  Library Cataloguing
Date:  Monday to Friday
Time:  Between 10am-6pm
Location:  47 Easey Street Collingwood

Be the face of PBS!

PBS Volunteer Receptionist Fills *taken*
The PBS reception role is great for a people person. If you like helping out and directing people at PBS, and can attend consistently then maybe this is the role for you.  If you're interested and committed, email hr[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au to secure a reception role.
What: Regular PBS Volunteer Receptionist 
Days: Monday mornings 10am-2pm or alternating Monday f/n 2-6pm;
Time: 10am-2pm
Location: 47 Easey Street, Collingwood

PBS Party People! A photographer and a door person* 2 roles * After Hours Volunteering
We’re throwing a party for everyone who made a volunteer contribution to PBS in 2011, and we need volunteers for the party! Seeking a photographer with own camera to take happy snaps of the revellers. Can you do the job?
Also, we’re looking for someone do the door. This is a great role for a people person, and you get to meet everyone at the party – literally! email hr[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au to secure a spot.

What:  Photographer and Door Person
Date:  Thursday December 8
Time:  6-9pm
Location:  TBA

PBS will be at the Crate Digger Record Fair * The sale of the year*

Sunday 4th December at Yah Yah’s, 99 Smith Street, Fitzroy

Doors open at midday, entry is free.

With a Ho Ho Ho and a fistful of records. Yep, that jolly day of present giving is racing upon us, so what better time of year to have a record fair than December. Crate Digger Record Fair returns to Yah Yah’s on SUNDAY 4th December for what is going to be our biggest fair of the year. With more than double the number of stalls booked for thelast fair, crate digging punters are sure to find more than their Christmas budget will allow. Come stuff your stocking with some of the best wax available from our stallholders who are selling a mixture of private collections and retail stock. The only inner-Melbourne record fair just got a whole lot bigger. The record fair will be once again be joining forces with the Hello Sailor vintage fair, so if you fancy some lovely vintage wares, a smashing 50’s frock or that elusive pair of Cuban heeled cowboy boots Also, it’s worth noting that PBS have emptied the vault and will be selling a couple of thousand items. Hmmm, sounds like Christmas is coming early this year. See you there record junkies.

Final Thought
“3PBS’s greatest asset is its programming.”  PBS legend Mick Geyer who was quoting ex station manager Maz Knott.... 1988

Thank you for reading the PBS Volunteer News
If you want to volunteer at PBS email hr[at]pbsfm[dot]org[dot]au 
The PBS Volunteer news will return in two weeks time


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