Who are the staff at PBS and what do they do?
I know this is supposed to be a volunteers blog, but in case you weren't aware - there's a shoestring staff at PBS. They're employed to help run the station on a day to day basis and support PBS volunteers. Now that you know that let's have a look at who each of them are and what they do....
General Manager
General Manager Adrian Basso |
Monday to Friday
Overall operations; including broadcasting license, staff , management, council issues, philanthropy, station policy, broadcast complaints.
PBS Fire Warden
email: gm@pbsfm.org.au
Programming and Music
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Program Manager: Owen McKern |
Monday to Friday
Programming, announcer training, receives demo – program applicants
Email: programs@pbsfm.org.au
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Music and Interviews Coordinator: Chelsea Wilson |
Monday to Friday
Interview coordination, music allocation, music source, music library, studio 5 live bookings
Email: musicdept@pbsfm.org.au
Interviews in the music library
Email: musicdept@pbsfm.org.au
Communications: Marketing, Events and Membership
Marketing and Events Manager: Con Kalamaras |
Monday to Friday
Marketing and events; PBS website
PBS First Aid Officer
Email: con@pbsfm.org.au
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Marketing and Events: Cameron Durnsford |
Monday to Friday
Marketing and events and PBS website administration, social media
Email: cameron@pbsfm.org.au
Membership Coordinator: Sam Johnstone |
Monday to Friday
Membership management and administration & sponsor discounts, member nights
Email: samj@pbsfm.org.au
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Production Manager: Paul Maybury |
Tuesday to Friday
Cart production, studio 5, outside broadcast, cross promos
Email: production@pbsfm.org.au
Production Assistant: Alicia Saye |
Monday to Wednesday
Cart production, studio technical issues, outside broadcast, studio 5, cross promotions
Email: alicia@pbfm.org.au
Production Assistant: Yuri Pavlinov |
Cart production
Sponsorship and Promo Manager: Sarah Blaby |
Monday to Friday
S&P team manager, client liaison, copyrighting, scheduling, PBS presents, ticket request
PBS Deputy Fire Warden
Email: sarah@pbsfm.org.au
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Sponsorship and Promo Coordinator: Sarah Pratt |
Monday to Friday
Band and client liaison, copyrighting, scheduling
Email: spratt@pbsfm.org.au
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Sponsorship and Promo Coordinator: Shelley McNicholl |
Monday to Friday
Client liaison, copyrighting, scheduling
Email: shelley@pbsfm.org.au
PBS Accounts: Romney Shuttleworth |
Monday to Friday
Accounts payable & receivable & payroll & everything else related accounts related!
Email: accounts@pbsfm.org.au
Email: accounts@pbsfm.org.au
Station Technician
Bill Runting
Station Engineer
OB expertise, technical studio maintenance since PBS started!
Damien Wiseman
IT Support
Hardware, software, network support (10 hours per week)
Volunteers Coordinator and Office Person
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Volunteer Coordinator: Mara Williams |
Monday to Friday
Volunteer coordination, administration, work experience, announcer course enquiries
Email: mara@pbsfm.org.au
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