PBS Volunteer News 8 - 2014

Farewell to Fuchsia, P King and Adrian Maiolla

On August 1, PBS had a periodical grid change, so we had to say some sad farewells to some longer serving volunteers - P King of Radio de Janeiro, Fucshia of TheMixtape and Adrian Maiolla of The Score. We thank them for their tremendous dedication and outstanding contributions to PBS.  We welcome new presenters Gram from DirtyDenim, Sigrid from Eclectic Ladyland, Vanessa from The Witching Hour, PBS Receptionist Nick Brown presents Lonely Stretch and Alessia Pegoli returns withThe Prosecco Hour. Off air things continue on.  We had an Open Day last month and we had an amazing crew of volunteers hanging, and helping out! We farewelled our excellent receptionists Ben (4 years), Laura, Jay & Leon and welcomed new receptionists Helen, Bronte, Jordan, Esther and Elle. Welcome to Declan our newest music library volunteer.  Again thanks to ALL PBS VOLUNTEERS who make PBS what it is.  If you’d like to volunteer at PBS, here’s some upcoming opportunities:

Reception Thursday Arvo 2-6pm 10 week fill! Taken
Our Thursday afternoon Receptionist has been made an offer she can’t refuse: a 10 week paid work assignment. That means we have a 10 week reception vacancy. Would you like to volunteer on the PBS reception desk? It’s usually fairly busy during Boss Action, Acid Country and Fang It greeting guests, answering calls and the like. If you’re a people person, have confidence in office environment, are reliable, and would like to be around PBS, this could be the perfect short term volunteer role. Emailmara@pbsfm.org.au for the PD.
What               PBS Volunteer Receptionist
Day & Date       Thursdays (10 week fill)
Time                2-6pm
Location           PBS, 47 Easey Street Collingwood

Reception Tuesday Arvo 2-6pm! Taken
Our Tuesday afternoon receptionist has had the wonderful fortune of getting a fortnightly radio show between the hours of 2am-6am. This means that once a week he will be recovering from the all-nighter. He’s so good, we don’t want to let him go from reception, so we’re seeking someone to cover the alternating fortnightly 2-6pm arvo shift so that he can have proper rest and recovery! Would you like to handle the PBS reception desk Tuesday arvo’s during It’s A Gas, Mixing Up The Medicine. Can you commit for at least 6 months? Do you want to be around PBS and PBS people? Are you confident with Outlook, Excel and the internet? Are you a people person? If you find yourself answering yes emailmara@pbsfm.org.au for a PD right now
What                 PBS Volunteer Receptionist
Day & Date        Tuesday (fortnighly roster)
Time                  2-6pm
Location             PBS, 47 Easey Street Collingwood

Membership Mailout Assistance
Wed Sep 18 is the next membership mailout day.  Got a few spare hours to help pack membership, renewals/and other administrative tasks? There’ll be a small group of helper. The role starts 2pm-5pm and it’s great to be around.
 What               Membership Mail Out Assistance
Day & Date        Wednesday September 18
Time                 2-5pm
Location            PBS, 47 Easey Street Collingwood

Open Day – Many Roles!
The PBS Open Day is a day in the year where we open our doors to the public to show them what we do. Now on a daily basis we don’t display/instruct what we do, we just get on with it. So Open Day is a little bit different and we’ll need your help to show the world just what we do and how we do it! We’re looking for volunteers to assist with a BBQ, making coffee and tea for guests, greet guests, running tours, operate  studios, handling the merch table, as well as a photographer to capture the wonderful event:
Times required
Role vacancies
Coffee and tea   
Studio demonstration (PBS announcer preferred)
Studio demonstration (PBS announcer preferred)
Meet & Greet    
Merchandise & membership       
Tour Guide          
Open Day artist - TBC
Deadline Oct 1/Publish date 

 What               Open Day Volunteers
Day & Date       Saturday 25th October
Time                As advised above
Location            PBS, 47 Easey Street Collingwood 

RABB Thursday 2nd October 2014
Door and Access Assistants
Well the next Rock A Bye Baby is due to be an exciting show and we’ll need trustworthy people and Good Samaritans to help our patrons access the building. If you’re working the door, you’ll be taking the entry fees, stamping the hands. Good communication skills as well as excellent counting skills, a friendly manner and the ability to stay cool under pressure.  If you’re assisting with access you’ll be helping patrons access and exit the building in a safe manner. If you love helping out, then chances are you’ll like this.  For those studying event management, this is a great one to do to increase your hands on/on the ground experience.
What                  Event Helper
Day & Date         Thursday 2nd October 
Time                  10:30am–12:30pm
Location             Fitzroy Town Hall

Easey Magazine Writers
The Editor of Easey Magazine Richie 1250 says it's time to start getting the next issue of Easey Magazine together.  Know anyone who’d like to write for Easey Mag? Maybe it’s you! Ideas should be sent through to  Richie 1250 this week at stonelovepbs@gmail.com
·         It should be music / music community related. (take a look at some previous issues to get an idea of the kind of thing we generally run)
·         Final article to be either 600, 1200 or 1800 words + pictures (depending on space).
·         Deadline for articles is mid October
What                  Easey Mag writers
Day & Date         Now!
Time                  Now
Location             Your place!

Want to have a go at being a PBS announcer?
 With just 3 classes left for the year, have you thought about doing the PBS announcer course? If you've never broadcast before, doing the announcer course is the first step.
We've got spots available for the announcer course in 2014:

September*just over a week away!
Jenny O'Keefe
Campbell McNolty
3,10,17,24, Dec 1
Jenny O'Keefe

Classes are held at the PBS studios, 47 Easey Street in Collingwood from 6:30-8:30 on the dates you can see above. Our teachers are broadcasters, and we’ll provide training manuals. If you want to do the announcer course, please send a completed application post haste to hr@pbsfm.org.au. Enquiries can be directed to the same email address.

Fine Print Policies and Procedures
It is important for all volunteers and staff to be familiar with this. See the policies and procedures here and http://pbs.org.au/policy. The Policies and Procedures Handbook ensures that PBS remains in safe compliance with the Codes of Practice and other relevant legislation. It also positions PBS volunteers, announcers and staff to operate with a shared, clear understanding of how things work at PBS. Please read it carefully. And if you’re inspired, why not consider becoming a PBS shareholder?

Pictures at PBS!
Chris Pearson helping out PBS in various ways

Curtis, Kristine, Robbie, Cam and Kevin winning at the mail out arvo

Farewell to receptionist Laura Farrell with friend and colleague Adam Rudegair
We'll miss you Ben but so happy for your new opportunity and thanks for everything!

Fabulous Fucshia

The fabulous Open Day crew (Leaps and Bounds 2014). Picture by Costa Gromov


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